The ‘spirit guides’ that want to break up our relationships and how this can lead us to truth
Two years ago I went along to a spiritual retreat. I had a reading with a woman who was a channeller. For anyone who is not familiar with the term, a channeller is someone who communicates with non-physical beings, ‘energies’ or their ‘higher self’ to receive psychic information about people.
Like previous psychics I’d visited, this woman shared accurate information that she couldn’t have discerned in any way other than via the spiritual realm. She repeated word for word something that I had heard often as a child. She also told me that no-one, had ever, fully understood me. When it came to my marriage she told me that I would need a lot of ‘independence.’
What she said sounded odd to me. I’d always felt deeply understood by my husband. He did get me. As for independence, perhaps that’s because I was into spiritual practises and he wasn’t. Her message confused me, but nevertheless a tiny seed of belief in its accuracy was planted. Because I believed in the spiritual realm, in the amazing phenomenon of receiving accurate information, about the past, present and future.
Fast-forward six months or so, and I was starting to wonder about psychic information. Why did psychics always have a slightly different slant on things? Why did some of their information even seem to contradict each other? If what they were perceiving was true, then why did the stories not always match up? They were like witnesses who haven’t quite got their stories straight and I was starting to question things.
As I’ve written about in previous posts, I said the Lord’s prayer, met God, and did a 180 turn in my belief system. As I did so I started to hear stories of people who’d communicated with spirits guides, and then they began to sense that something was not quite right with what they were hearing, so they did something described in the Bible called ‘testing the spirits’. (1 John 4). They asked the spirits to reveal who they really were, and then their beautiful angelic, spirit guides shapeshifted into demons.
Depending on your beliefs this might sound like the stuff of fantasy, but if you’ve spent any time developing your spiritual side you will know that the spiritual realm is very real. I used to think it was all love and light, until I discovered that demons really do exist. And then I started to wonder, if demons exist, then does Jesus too?
Many people who like me were on a ‘new age,’ spiritual path get curious about the possibility of talking to ‘spirit guides,’ of learning to channel and get psychic information for ourselves. In fact that woman I had a reading with told me that I could be a channeler just like her!
This spiritual narrative told to us by these fake guides can be very seductive and alluring, it can draw us in and speak to our pride. When we are in the new age we often take every spiritual experience at face value, we assuming it’s all good and true.
However spirit guides can set us on dangerous and destructive paths that deceive us into making bad choices, all the while thinking we are becoming more spiritually evolved.
What I experienced was just a tiny example of how psychic information has the potential to disrupt our lives. The seed the woman passed onto me never took root and thankfully I found the truth shortly afterwards.
But I was reminded of this incident the other day when I was watching this story on youtube of a man who believed he was told by ‘god’ that he had to break up with his girlfriend in order to spiritually evolve. They were actually very happy together, and he loved her very much. The story is very powerful, and worth watching as it points to the truth, of our spiritual realms, and that there is a God.
There is also this story from Sarah Jayne Lee, who was actually told by our guides to stay in an abusive, relationship with a narcissist.
The devil does not like happy, healthy relationships.
God, however, strengthens our relationships, and wants us to stay together.
Spirit guides, alien entities, ‘angels,’ there are so many ways that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. There are so many tempting counterfeits to try and lure us away from having a relationship with God.
Having tested both I can tell you that nothing compares to a relationship with the true God who made us via his son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, so that we could have eternal life. I get it, the story sounds dull and boring, compared to all the other spiritual options out there. But when you actually begin a relationship with God, it is nothing like the myths perpetuated in popular media and the culture around us.
‘Taste and see that the Lord is Good!’ - Psalm 34:8
More stories on spirit guide deception
So well-written Sister! The Occult is alluring in a false sense, but We Believers know The Truth!
I really like this, it's a reflection of how modern society is trying so desperately to affix itself to something as it stumbles lost and confused. As you point out in your article this is an excellent time for "Satan" which is just a spiritual force for evil to attempt to fill the void most of contemporary society feels with "spirit guides" and "soothsayers." As you did and mentioned, having scripture as a foundation and guide is the main antidote to not being caught in the masquerades:
"Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God" - Leviticus 19:31
It's relieving to read that you didn't follow they're advice. Anyway, if you're ever looking for something to read I write about similar content except from a more philosophical angle, rather than a first hand account.